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Death of Michael Foord

We regret to inform you of the passing of Michael Foord in Durban South Africa. Born on 22nd July 1961, died in June 2011. He was hospitable and would have been much involved in the South African family reunion had circumstances allowed. Our deepest condolences go out to the family. He is survived by his [...]

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Quentin est né – Birth of Quentin.

  Bertrand, Sophie et moi sommes heureux de vous faire part de la naissance de Quentin le 24 mai 2011 a Standford en Californie chez Benedicte et Etienne. C'est un beau bebe de 4 kgs qui fait deja notre bonheur. La maman et le bebe vont bien. Nous sommes tres heureux de pouvoir etre pres [...]

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Wedding of Guido de Chazal and Aylim Castro

Wedding of Guido de Chazal and Aylim Castro on July 4th 2009, in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Guido is the son of Jose Guido de Chazal from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Guido de Chazal(1982)>Guido de Chazal(1949)>Rolando de Chazal(1918)>Guy de Chazal(1884)> Evenor de Chazal(1838)> Edmond de Chazal(1809)> Toussaint de Chazal(1770) Message Added April 30, 2011

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Décès d’Edgar de Chazal au Canada

J'ai le regret de vous apprendre le décès de mon frère Edgar survenu subitement hier matin, le 8 décembre 2008 à son domicile: 43 Carrier Victoriaville Québec G6T 0B6 Canada tel:00-1-819-752-2996 email: [email protected] Il nous a quitté tranquillement à la suite d'un cancer qui a évolué très rapidement car il devait être hospitalisé ce jour [...]

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ALIX Mathilde Donald (>Eveline>Auguste) died on Saturday 17th May 2008

Alix was born on 11th October 1918 in Orange Free State, South Africa. She married Ian Donald on 16th December 1937 in London. He was born on 27th December 1910 in Cornwall, son of John Donald and Helen Burrow Wilson. They have four children. These bald facts conceal the story of a brave, interesting, strong [...]

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