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Discours de bienvenue de Christiane Galland
Chers cousins,
Nous sommes très heureux et fiers d’organiser la Chazfest en Suisse.
En1910, notre grand père,arrière grand père et arrière arrière grand père Maurice Galland, jeune banquier voyagea à l’île Maurice pour soigner une affection pulmonaire.Son médecin lui avait prescrit un voyage en mer comme traitement.A l’époque il n’y avait bien sûr pas d’antibiotiques! Il avait avec lui une lettre d’introduction pour Pierre de Chazal avec lequel il voulait faire des affaires. Il rencontra Raymonde de Chazal 16 ans,une des filles de Pierre et comme on dit au Canada “ils tombèrent en amour”,en Suisse on comprend ce que cela veut dire,même si ce n’est pas une expression de chez nous.
Maurice rentra en Suisse et quelques mois plus tard la jeune Raymonde le rejoignît . Elle convertit Maurice à la religion swedenborgienne et ce fut le premier mariage à Lausanne au sein de cette église. Ils se marièrent et eurent
beaucoup d’enfants… 6. Solange,Marcelle,Jacqueline,Robert,Philippe et Elaine. Ils achetèrent une maison dans les hauts de Lausanne :Valcreuse
Maurice,banquier et consul d’Angleterre à Lausanne était aussi colonel de l’armée suisse.
Pendant la 2ème guerre mondiale,la position du consul d’Angleterre impliqua qu’il prit une position nette.La Suisse sous la menace d’une invasion allemande proclamait sa neutralité .Le gouvernement de Londres lui avait confié la protection des ressortissants du Royaume Uni et du Commenwealth que la tourmente
pouvait surprendre en territoire helvétique.Maurice fut déchiré car il aimait l’armée. Le Général Guisan lui communiqua sa décision : “nous aurons besoin de consuls amis. Des colonels nous en avons en suffisance”
Merci à Bertil Galland,écrivain et journaliste,neveu de Maurice à qui j’ai emprunté ces quelques lignes.
Vous pouvez du reste lire un texte sur Valcreuse,la maison familiale,sur le site de la famille de Chazal.
Nous sommes ce soir plusieurs descendants de cette famille et avons pour quelques uns nos souvenirs personnels sur Valcreuse et nos grands parents,car les plus jeunes ne les ont pas connus.
La famille Galland a toujours accueilli beaucoup de jeunes mauriciens qui faisaient leurs études en Europe.Ils venaient
souvent pour leurs vacances.
Marcelle rencontra un Mauricien Raoul de Senneville et partit vivre à Maurice. La boucle était bouclée.
Raymonde ne retourna jamais à Maurice et décéda à 62 ans en 1958 d’une maladie hépatique.
Maurice décéda en 1956 d’un infarctus.
Actuellement nous comptons une cinquantaine de descendants de Maurice et Raymonde,pour la plupart vivant en Suisse.
Nous espérons de tout cœur que ce petit voyage découverte en Suisse vous plaira.Il y a une petite parcelle de l’île Maurice ici,îlot bien ancré et qui se souvient.
Bonne soirée.
The Swiss reunion has taken place, small, short but wonderful. This could describe Domi who did all the correspondence beforehand, but I write about our experience of Switzerland.
Our welcoming committee had had many months of discussion, brainstorming the programme, and logistics, and had come up with an intensive, interesting, programme to satisfy our visual, intellectual and gastronomic tastes.
We had come from all corners of the globe by air, train and car; so to get us all together for our “Welcome Evening” was quite a feat in itself. We were given a beautifully produced book generously donated by Patrice Galland about the Galland family and their contribution to the economic and social life of Lausanne.
The de Chazal family tree was displayed showing Joseph Antoine Edmond de Chazal (1809 -1879) married Marguerite Claire Rouillard whose grandfather Denis Francois Michel Rouillard started a dynasty from whom all of us is descended, hence the Rouillard family tree is very important to us all.
Jean Pierre is descended from their eldest son Evenor but their eldest daughter Edmeé, married Francois Joachim
John Rouillard (surely her second cousin) and they had twelve children.
The Galland Family connection is through Edmeé’s fourth child Lucie, who was the grandmother of Raymonde de Chazal who married Maurice Galland. Pierre-Edmond, Tristan, Denis, Paul, and I are also descended from Edmée’s fourth child Lucie as she is our Great Grandmother; we carry the de Chazal name because she married her cousin Pierre Antoine Edmond. Pierre Edmond from
Australia can claim to be head of the Lucie line; we were pleased to see him and his son Philip at this reunion.
Edmée’s tenth child was Berthe from whom Hamish derives his Rouillard and de Chazal connections. The connections continue to their twelfth child Francois who went to Argentina, represented at this reunion by Roxanna Furtado de Chazal. Richard Dold is descended from another branch, his mother Virginia Taylor has given us her invaluable book in two volumes “Two Families of the Isle de France” which is essential reading. I am sorry for this little digression but reunions are for education, personal contact, understanding between family cultures, with just a little fun and gastronomy thrown in.
This reunion had fun and gastronomy firmly at its centre and I hope this will be shown in picture form by others more adept at photography.
A tour of Lausanne in the rain does not sound exciting but it is a beautiful city set on the lake. A visit to The Olympic Museum made us aware that we had an Olympic swimmer amongst us! Jorge, Roxanna’s husband, slipped near a fountain and fell in—he came out in record time hence setting, I am sure, an Olympic record. He soon got his breath back as well as a new dry pair of jeans ready for our evening dinner cruise on the lake. The food was excellent, the company good and the sun set in a blaze of glory, highlighting the Swiss landscape.
Tuesday was cheese making day up in the hills near Château-d’Œx (one pronounces it “day” with a hard y). We drove in a beautiful Swiss morning with crisp clean air where we saw the whole process of making gruyère, which is really a cottage industry. Just before lunch we were surprised by Swiss mountain horns giving their unmistakable gentle low notes. Two young girls had come to give us an open air alpenhorn concert, a wonderful surprise laid on by our hosts. Their rendering of the “Ranz des Vaches” was particularly haunting. We moved on to visit the chateau, a large building unlike any other chateau we had seen. It had been used by a handicapped nobleman as a residence where he lavishly entertained many painters, Corot among others, who showed their appreciation by

Switzerland representation:
From the left top to the right : Anne Galland, Gérald de Senneville, Laurence et Kees Van Der Poel, Adrien Galland,
Second level : Claude Galland, Dominique de Maleprade, Sebastien Benoit, Christiane Galland, Sevérine Tognetti,
third level: Julie Vergotti, Maelle Fehlmann, Stephanie Fehlmann, Noémie Fehlmann.
painting on the walls. On our return the ancestral Galland home “Valcreuse” was pointed out to us. You can read about the history of this building elsewhere on the website. One day it will be restored but it was a sorry sight. The evening drinks session took place on a warm sunlit terrace overlooking the city. We had had a great day.
Our trip to Zermatt was a highlight of our stay and I think the photographs which will undoubtedly appear on the website will tell their story.
On our return from Zermatt we stopped off for dinner in a very special place. A salt mine one and a half kilometers into a mountain. After a tour of many chambers we arrived at the candle lit dining room where we had “raclette”; cheese melted from above served with steamed potatoes and pickles, not forgetting the several herbed salts. We got there by a small electric train rushing through a narrow tunnel—not for the claustrophobic. This was a truly unique experience.
Our farewells took place in the sunshine on a “Promenade des Anglais” along the lake shore and had it not been for the opposite shore and a snow covered peak in the distance could easily have be mistaken for the Mediterranean. Béatrice Benoit sent us all off with Swiss chocolate bars to help us on our way home, I fear they soon melted but when cooled were delicious.
Our heartfelt thanks are due to our organizing committee of Christianne, Domi, Séverine, Julie and Sébastien, they also chaperoned us along the way. I have no doubt also that Jean Pierre has given his encouragement and advice over the last couple of years.
Just a few extra items;
Hamish led a parallel life to mine, going to the same school, travelling in the same ship to Mauritius. We were delighted to meet him and his wife Glenis, we will keep in touch. He and I had a private moment when we remembered Irmelin, Tomi Mayer’s wife who had died the previous week.
Gnomes have a long Swiss family tree. Denis and Margaret were successful in meeting a gnome from Lausanne; the grandchildren will enjoy this gnome when he gets to Montreal.
Denis quickly overcame his fear of the mountain monster hiding in the salt mine but was pleased when the train journey was completed. I was the only one to see the Lac Leman monster.
Suzannne really enjoyed herself and became our unofficial first aider. I hope she will give a good account to her sister Claire when she returns home to the USA.
We will all enjoy using our Swiss army penknives—I have already found the toothpick to be very useful.
Jeorg and Roxanna with their daughter Mariana are keen to organise the next reunion in Buenos Aries.
Pierre Edmond and his friend Jan Lee were travelling on to Rotterdam, Jan was concerned that Pierre might have arranged for them to be in a hostel with no sheets! We hope their forward travels are a success. Pierre’s son Philip was presenting a paper at a conference in Milan about sleep apnea after the reunion. We were impressed with this intelligent, modest man.
I am sorry we did not get to speak much to Pierre-Edouard and Alix and Anne.
André is a wonderful conspirator theorist but there is always a grain of truth somewhere, of course I believed every word—does Linda? That’s the question. We loved his theories of which he has an inexhaustible supply.
We were sorry that Gérald de Senneville had to leave early in the proceedings. He missed much.
And the best dressed? Undoubtedly Anny again, in a fabulous silk number.
Other attendees included Claude and Anne Galland with her ready laughter, Kees and Laurence van der Poel, Zoe Tognetti, Stephanie, Noemie and Maelle Fehlmann, Adrien, Patrice Galland’s young son, Cyril Galland and his friend Stephanie and of course Tristan who ably spoke on behalf of us all on our departure, his wife Claudine, and Paul de Chazal.
Thelma and I had our adventures on our travels there and back but that is another story.
That is our take on the Swiss reunion. Please continue logging on to your website and learning about your family, better still send all news and photos about your immediate family to your webmaster Jean Pierre and our archivist Tristan.
Very soon you will be able to read (in French and English) about Jacque de Chazal who was recently awarded the Légion d’honneur for bravery during WW2. What an emotional and varied life he has led! He was unable to attend but we thought of him and hope he is working hard on the following chapters of his book.
Christopher and Thelma de Chazal September 2015

Zermatt en avant première : Dominique de Maleprade, Christiane Galland, Anny et Jean-Pierre de Chazal

2015 The de Chazal Reunion in ——-Switzerland——-from 23rd to 28th August.
– La prochaine réunion de la famille de Chazal et apparentés se tiendra en Suisse du 23 au 28 août 2015
Organising Committee – Comité Organisateur – Comité Organizador
Liste provisoire des Participants :
EDWARD et MARTHA de CHAZAL avec leurs enfants Henry, Rose, Frederick, et George (UK), ISABELLE CELLIER, CHRISTIAN CURTI, NICOLAS CURTI (France),
PIERRE-EDOUARD et ALIX de BOIGNE (France), JOANNA et CHRISTOPHER MAYER avec leurs 4 enfants (UK), Pol HEYDON (France), MARIA de CHAZAL (Argentina and Spain)
Lausanne : médaille d’or de la douceur de vivre.
Dimanche 23 août 2015: Arrivée à Lausanne et hébergement à l’hotel.
Cocktail de bienvenue en soirée.
Lundi 24 août 2015 : Visite de la ville et de la Cathédrale dont la
construction a commencé en 1170. Dîner croisière sur le lac Léman.
Mardi 25 août 2015 : Départ pour Château d’Oex, fabrication du fromage,
déjeuner sur place. Puis visite du château de Gruyères. Retour sur
Mercredi 26 août 2015 : Départ pour Zermatt. Visite du village et cocktail
dans le musée de Zermatt.
Jeudi 27 août 2015 : Montée au Gornergrat (3100 m). Petite promenade en
montagne pour ceux qui le désirent. Retour sur Lausanne avec souper
en cours de route.
28 août 2015 : Lunch d’adieu
Le prix est fixé à $1400 par personne. Prix spécial pour les
Photo de Zermatt prise en 2013 de l’appartement de
Christiane Galland.
Fabrication artisanale du gruyère
English Version ( Translation : Christopher de Chazal)
CHAZFEST 2015 : Prelude to the 6th Family Reunion
While visiting our Swiss Cousins, all descended from Raymonde de Chazal, Anny and I have had a foretaste of the next Family Reunion which will take place at the end of August 2015. (Raymonde 1894-1958 < Pierre 1865-1942 <Pierre Edmond 1837-1914 <Furcy 1810-1874 <Toussaint 1770-1822).
Christiane Galland and Dominique de Maleprade are the originators of this project. A young and dynamic team is forming around them : Sébastien Benoit, Séverine Tognetti et Julie Vergotti The whole family is solidly behind this event, Raymonde has about fifty living descendents; We also met : Claude Galland, Anne Galland, Patrice Galland, Béatrice Benoit, Laurence et Kees Van der Poel , Michel de Maleprade, Juliette Galland, et Stépahnie Fehlmann.
A leisurely program of four to five days is initially proposed, foreseen is arrival in Lausanne then dinner cruising Lake Léman, a visit to the old city and Lausanne Cathedral, a quick tour of the Lavaux vinyards (a Unesco World Heritage site—the white wines of Switzerland deserve to be discovered), a visit to Gruyères castle, lunch at Chateau-d’Oex with a talk on the production of gruyere cheese. Two days in Zermatt where we admire the most beautiful peak anywhere in the world; Mount Cervin or Matterhorn in German, while imbibing a welcome to the town at the Matterhorn museum.
The 6th Chazfest will be a “ knockout”, and I urge you to immediately make note of it.
To attract the maximum numbers, the organisers are determined to make the cost reasonable.
So that we may have an idea of the numbers participating I would ask you to let me know by return your intentions: “yes”, “maybe”, or “no”. Please reply to: [email protected] et [email protected]
Best wishes,
Anny and Jean-Pierre de Chazal
-Spanish Version ( traducción : Cristina Devoto de Bach de chazal)
CHAZFEST 2015: preludio de la 6ª presentación familiar.
De visita en lo de nuestros primos suizos, todos descendientes de Raymonde de Chazal, hemos pregustado, Anny y yo, la próxima reunión familiar que tendrá lugar a fin de agosto de 2015. (Raymonde 1894-1958, Pierre 1865-1942, Pierre edmond 1837-1914, Furcy 1810-1974, Toussaint 1770-1822 ).
Christiane Galland y Dominique de Maleprade dieron origen a este proyecto. Alrededor suyo se constituyó un equipo joven y dinámico: Sébastien Benoit, Séverine Tognetti y Julie Vergotti. Toda la familia se solidariza con el acontecimiento. Son alrededor de 50 descendientes de Raymonde.
También nos encontramos, en ocasión de una cálida cena al borde del Lago Leman con: Claude Galland, Anne Galland, Patrice Galland, Beatrice Benoit, Laurence et Kees Van der Poel , Michel de Maleprade, Juliette Galland y Stéphanie Fehlmann.
Esbozamos un programa no exhaustivo de 4 ó 5 días .
Prevee una llegada a Laussane, luego cena crucero en el Lago Leman rodeado de sus montañas, ; una visita al barrio histórico de la ciudad y a su catedral, visita a la viña de Lavaux (Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad) para descubrir los vinos blancos suizos : un almuerzo en Chateaux-d’Oex, en el chalet y demostración de la fabricación del Gruyère ; visita al Castillo de Gruyères; dos días en Zermatt donde descubriremos el más bello pico del mundo : el monte Cervin, o Matterhorn en alemán, y el Museo Matterhorn, terminando con un aperitivo en la ciudad.
La 6ª Chazfest va a ser con toda seguridad grandiosa, asique los comprometo a tomar nota desde ya.
Para extender la partiipación al mayor número de personas, los organizadores se fijaron como objetivo un costo financiero razonable.
Les daremos en cuanto sea posible, las fechas de esta reunión, asi como los descuentos en los precios.
Para ir teniendo noción de cuánta gente participaría, les agradecería que envíen a vuelta de correo su intención de participación : asistiré – tal vez asista- no asistiré, a : [email protected] y [email protected]
Anny y Jean Pierre de Chazal- French Version
-CHAZFEST 2015 : Prélude à la 6ième représentation familiale.
En visite chez nos cousins suisses, tous descendants de Raymonde de Chazal, Anny et moi avons eu un avant goût de la prochaine réunion familiale qui se tiendra fin août 2015. (Raymonde 1894-1958< Pierre 1865-1942 <Pierre Edmond 1837-1914 <Furcy 1810-1874 <Toussaint 1770-1822).
Christiane Galland et Dominique de Maleprade sont à l’origine du projet. Autour d’elles s’est constituée une équipe jeune et dynamique : Sébastien Benoit, Séverine Tognetti et Julie Vergotti.Toute la famille est solidaire de cet évènement, ils sont environ 50 descendants de Raymonde; Nous avons aussi rencontré à l’occasion d’un dîner chaleureux sur les bords du lac Léman: Claude Galland, Anne Galland, Patrice Galland, Beatrice Benoit, Laurence et Kees Van der Poel , Michel de Maleprade, Juliette Galland et Stéphanie Fehlmann.
Un programme non exhaustif de 4 ou 5 jours a été ébauché ; Il prévoit une arrivée à Lausanne, puis un dîner croisière sur le lac Léman entouré de ses montagnes, une visite du quartier de la cité et de la cathédrale de Lausanne, un coup d’œil sur le vignoble de Lavaux (patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco – les vins blancs suisses sont à découvrir), un déjeuner à Château-d’Oex au chalet et démonstration de la fabrication du gruyère, la visite du chateau de Gruyeres, deux jours à Zermatt où nous découvrirons le plus beau sommet du monde : le mont Cervin ou Matterhorn en Allemand, ainsi que le Matterhorn museum au cours d’un apéritif de bienvenue dans la ville.
Le 6ieme Chazfest sera à coup sûr grandiose, et je vous engage à en prendre note dès à présent.
Afin d’élargir la participation à un plus grand nombre de personnes, les organisateurs se sont fixés l’objectif d’un coût financier raisonnable. Nous vous donnerons dès que possible les dates de cette reunion ainsi qu’une fourchette de prix.
Afin de mieux cerner la participation éventuelle, je vous remercie de faire connaître par retour votre intention de participation : oui, peut-être, ou non, à : [email protected] et [email protected]
Anny et Jean-Pierre de Chazal
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