Latest de Chazal Family News / Dernières Nouvelles / últimas noticias


January 26th, 2006|

Me es grato hacerles conocer la página web de la Fundación Cultural y Educativa "Guy de Chazal Trouchet," entidad sin fines de lucro e interés social, fundada el 13 de enero de 1997 (aniversario del [...]

First child of Isabelle de Chazal

October 7th, 2005|

Claudine et moi sommes heureux de vous annoncer la venue de notre premier petit enfant : Flore Alix Marie de Kermoysan 3,470 kg pour 51 cm Née le samedi 15 octobre 2005 à 21 heures La [...]


October 2nd, 2005|

ANOTHER SAD MESSAGE: It is my sad duty to inform you that Mother died last night in Entabeni Hospital, Durban. I shall be flying out to South Africa shortly. With love and best wishes, Richard [...]

Germaine de Chazal has passed away

September 30th, 2005|

     Someone said "when it rains it pours"! After two days of contact with my brother Tristan, I just got the news that my mother passed away an hour ago. Although we anticipated this [...]

Carlos de Chazal is Very ill

September 30th, 2005|

Unfortunately my father Carlos is very sick. He's been in the hospital for about 2 weeks in intensive care with a pulmonary infection and we really hope that he can get better really soon. Carlos [...]

JULIEN de Chazal had a surgery

September 30th, 2005|

Our cousin Julien de Chazal from Australia has just come through brain tumor surgery and everything seems to be ok now according to his brother Paul. Message added: September 30, 2005

Carla Ewel had a new handsome baby boy

September 12th, 2005|

NEW BABY BORN Carla Ewel had a new handsome baby boy his name is Luis André Oliva, grandson of Lily de Chazal who is the daughter of Rolando de Chazal. He was born on September 12th 2005.

About CHAZFEST 2007

September 10th, 2005|

A preparatory meeting for the next Chazfest which will take place in France in July 2007, will be held on the 28th September and hosted by Claudine and Tristan de Chazal in the Parisian region. [...]

Anny de Chazal featured in NY Website

May 20th, 2004|

Sculptured French Silk Scarves in New York City [ NEW YORK, NY - NYC - 5/20/2004 - ] There are silk scarves and then there are sculptured silk scarves that serve as wearable [...]

Welcome to the de Chazal web site / Bienvenue sur le site internet de Chazal / Bienvenido al sitio de internet de Chazal.



de Chazal descendants and the third millennium.


The Spiritual Talisman that Francois de Chazal de la Génesté bequeathed his family is a precious inheritance. His attributes were many: inventive, resourceful, creative, open minded to the world, intellectually non-conformist and fearless.


François de Chazal left France for the Ile de France (Mauritius) from Lorient. He took with him mystical secrets learnt from a protégé of Louis XV, the enigmatic Count of Saint Germain. François, it is said, was the sole repository of these secrets. For my part I believe the family retains some of the alchemy which made him such an exceptional person: brilliant, erudite, influential and respected friend to all.


After François de Chazal the family tradition has continued, other prestigious personalities followed, such as; Toussaint, Malcy, Edmond , Evenor, and more recently Malcolm and Doctor Lucien. We could take credit for the achievements of our forebears but more importantly they give value to, and consolidate our own identity.


At present there are more than a thousand de Chazal, including those related by marriage and blood related, scattered around The World. The aim of this website is to unite us and help us find a balance between our past and the modern world.


Welcome to the de Chazal web site


Jean- Pierre de Chazal  (Translation : Christopher de Chazal)





Le talisman spirituel que Francois de Chazal de la Génesté a légué à sa famille est un héritage précieux. Son pouvoir est multiple: originalité, créativité, audace, ingéniosité, indépendance d’esprit, ouverture sur le monde, non conformisme intellectuel.    


Depuis Lorient, Francois de Chazal quitte la France en 1759 pour se rendre en l’ile de France (Maurice). Il emporte avec lui les secrets et pouvoirs occultes du protégé de Louis XV, l’énigmatique comte de Saint Germain, dont il serait, dit-on, l’unique dépositaire. Pour ma part, je retiens surtout l’alchimie qui fait de lui un homme d’exception : brillant, érudit, influent, aimé et respecté de tous.


Depuis Francois de Chazal, la tradition familiale se perpétue. D’autres personnalités prestigieuses lui ont succédé, tels Toussaint, Malcy, Edmond, Evenor, et plus récemment Malcolm et le docteur Lucien. Le parcours de nos ascendants peut nous flatter, mais surtout doit valoriser et renforcer notre propre identité.


Actuellement, nous sommes plus de mille descendants Chazal ou apparentés, éparpilléss à travers lemonde. Ce site a pour but de nous rassembler et de nous aider à trouver le juste équilibre entre héritage et modernité.


Bienvenue sur le site internet de Chazal


Jean-Pierre de Chazal



Los descendientes Chazal y el tercer milenio


El talismán espiritual que François de Chazal legó a su familia es una preciosa herencia. Su poder es múltiple: apertura al mundo, no conformismo intelectual, y creatividad.

François de Chazal salió de Francia en el Boutin que partió de Loiret [puerto de Bretaña] el 31 de marzo de de 1759 para ir a la Ile de France. Llevó consigo los secretos y poderes ocultos del protegido de Luis XV, el enigmático Conde de Saint Germain de los que será, según se dice, el único depsitario. Por mi pare rescato la alquimia que hace de él un hombre excepcional: brillante, erudito, influyente, querido por todos.


Desde François de Chazal , la tradición familiar se perpetúa. Otras personalidades prestigiosas lo sucedieron como Toussaint, Malcy, Edmond, Evenor, y más recientemente, Malcom. El camino de nuestros ascendientes puede halagarnos, pero por sobre todo valoriza y refuerza nuestra propia identidad.


Somos actualmente más de mil descendientes Chazal o emparentados, desparramados a través del mundo. Este sitio tiene por fin reunirnos y ayudarnos a encontrar el justo equilibrio entre Herencia y modernidad.


Bienvenido al sitio de internet de Chazal.


Jean-Pierre de Chazal  (traducción: Cristina Devoto de Bach de Chazal)