Texte de Mathilde Spall
On m’a confié la tâche de raconter les événements du Chazfest 2001 à Charlotte. Je suis très honorée bien que j’ai tendance à penser que personne d’autre n’était disposé à prendre ce risque. De la même façon que j’ai relaté la semaine Chazal à Maurice, j’apporte ici ma touche personnelle et les opinions et commentaires n’engagent que moi.
Tout d’abord je souhaite remercier les enfants de Pierre et Jean-Pierre qui ont allégé la charge de travail de leurs ainés, en particulier Sydney pour son aide apportée à son père à la préparation de la réunion, et aussi Thibault, Philip et Jacqui pour leur contribution durant les festivités.
Mercredi 11 juillet
Un grand nombre d’invités sont arrivés ce jour-là, et Pierre avait planifié un service de réception à l’aéroport et à la gare routière. L’hôtel Southpark où nous étions tous logés, est situé juste à côté du plus grand centre commercial de la ville. Quarante suites spacieuses et confortables nous avaient été réservées à un prix négocié sur la base du tarif gouvernemental. Jean-Pierre et Anny avaient pensé que nous pourrions déjà tous nous rencontrer dans les jardins de l’hôtel. C’était la première fois où des Chazal venus des 5 continents se rencontraient. Quelle intensité, même si les premières approches furent timides. Que c’était fascinant ces rencontres avec Donaldo et ses filles, Augusto et José Maria, Frank Mayer et sa famille, Lucio et Jenny, ect. Ce fut une soirée très réussie, et les premiers contacts ont été établis. J’ai beaucoup apprécié la gentillesse naturelle de nos cousins sud-américains.
Jeudi 12 juillet
C’était le jour du fameux “white water rafting”. Quelques retardataires et aussi les explications de la route à suivre vers le barrage ont différé quelque peu notre départ. Après trois heures de route Sydney décida que nous aurions un rapide déjeuner. Bonne décision, l’estomac plein sur ces eaux agitées eut été une mauvaise idée. Une fois arrivés nous avons dû marcher jusqu’aux radeaux et “fun-Yaks”. Jacqui les avait surnommés “happy-yaks”, nom mieux approprié. L’eau était glacée à une température de 4. C. Je dois avouer ma crainte en regard de mon âge et de la réaction de mon mari lorsque je lui ai fait part de mon choix pour le rafting au lieu de la promenade en montagne réputée plus tranquille. La rivière se trouvait aux pieds d’un barrage hydro-électrique, et bien qu’il n’y eut aucun passage dangereux nous avons rencontré une série de rapides cotés 3 sur une échelle de 1 à 6. Nous avons eu un cas de piraterie et Guy accosta un bateau ennemi afin de récupérer notre seau qui avait été pris en otage. Quelques uns parmi nous ont eu droit à un tour dans un happy-Yak, et Jacqui m’a demandé d’être son équipière. Elle n’avait peut-être pas fait le bon choix, puisque nous n’avons pas cessé de tourner en rond. Sur le chemin du retour nous n’avions plus notre voiture de tête et nous nous sommes perdus, en passant même par le Tennessee et la Caroline du Sud. Nous sommes finalement arrivés avec 4 heures de retard pour un dîner décontracté chez Jean-Pierre et Anny. Une tente avait été dressée sur le coté de leur maison et un délicieux buffet nous attendait. Nous étions affamés. Anny avait disposé des livres de la famille sur une table à l’intérieur de la maison, et affiché des photos de nos ancêtres et aussi ceux de nos contemporains sur des panneaux. C’était très instructif et intéressant, et un excellent moyen de mieux comprendre le parcours de notre famille au travers du siècle dernier. Un grand merci à Anny. La soirée s’est achevée très tard dans la nuit.
Vendredi 13 juillet
Vendredi 13 est en général une date peu propice à la réussite. Pourtant cette soirée au Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens, à 15 miles au Sud de Charlotte fut un grand succès. Une fin d’après-midi idéale pour apprécier la beauté des jardins et des plates-bandes fleuries. Un bar improvisé à l’intérieur du pavillon servait des vins en provenance de différents pays. Les dames étaient resplendissantes. A la tombée de la nuit, le dîner fut servi dans le pavillon, où des tables avaient été dressées autour d’une piste de danse. Jean-Pierre prit la parole pour présenter le Chazfest. Il l’a passa ensuite à François de Grivel qui dit quelques mots sur la réunion mauricienne qu’il avait organisé dans sa propriété de St-Antoine. Ensuite vint la remise des “Awards” par Jean-Pierre, afin de distinguer quelques-uns d’entre nous. Il s’agissait d’une assiette en porcelaine de Limoges crée par Tristan, qui représentait les armes de famille ajoutée d’une note personnalisée par Anny. Virginia Taylor, la doyenne de notre réunion reçut une assiette pour son énorme contribution à la famille, maman (Pauline Mayer) pour sa passion de la famille, Donaldo de Chazal et Frank Mayer en mémoire de leur grand-père Evenor, Lucio de Chazal en hommage à son grand-père François, à Pierre de Chazal pour sa création de notre site internet, à Tristan de Chazal notre historien du 21.siècle, à Francia et Guido de Chazal en reconnaissance à Guy leur grand-père, à Mathilde Spall pour sa participation aux recherches sur la famille (à mon grand étonnement et au bord des larmes), et enfin à Oliveta la plus jeune de cette réunion pour sa présence. Nous dîmes tous quelques mots au reçu de la récompense, Pierre donna ses impressions sur la famille et le Chazfest, j’étais tellement émue que je pus dire seulement que ce qui m’avait distingué c’était probablement d’avoir inventé le nom “Chazfest”. La soirée “Salsa-Merengue” débuta vraiment lorsque la piste de danse fut envahi par tous. et notamment par maman, Donaldo et Nicole la fille de Guido. Nos cousins boliviens et argentins ont dépensé une énergie folle au son de toutes les musiques, et en particulier sur des rythmes latins que le disc-jockey très habilement nous distillait afin de faire monter la tension. Ce fut une autre soirée très réussie, qui se termina à une heure du matin au grand désespoir des danseurs effrénés qui en réclamaient plus.
Samedi 14 juillet.
Ce fut la soirée la plus habillée, dans le cadre prestigieux d’un vieux club privé, le Charlotte City Club, situé en haut d’une tour dans le centre-ville. Les dames étaient éblouissantes, les messieurs très élégants. La vue panoramique et le coucher de soleil intensément coloré m’ont fait regretter de ne pas mieux connaitre la ville; j’eusse certainement goûté cette vue avec plus de plaisir. Le dîner fut excellent. Un cuisinier découpait sur demande des tranches d’une énorme pièce de boeuf. Je ne pus freiner mon appétit démesuré pour la bonne cuisine. Jean-Pierre donna la parole à d’autres intervenants: Tristan, Guido, Lucio, Ives, Jean-Lucien et moi-même. Nous nous sommes tous réjouis à l’annonce d’une prochaine réunion en Amérique du Sud dans les années prochaines. Puis le disc-jockey, le même que la veille, a mis en action ses rythmes endiablés. ce qui a de nouveau déchainé les énergies reposées après une bonne nuit de sommeil, des plus jeunes aux plus âgés. Une soirée fantastique, interrompue par le disc-jockey à une heure du matin.

Guido de Chazal (Bolivia), Olivia de Chazal (Bolivia), Claudine de Chazal (France), Ana Maria de Chazal (Bolivia), Isabelle de Chazal (France)
Dimanche 15 juillet
82° degrés Fahrenheit ce jour-là, avec une légère brise et un ciel sans nuage. C’était un jour parfait pour un pique-nique familial sur les bords du lac Wylie situé légèrement au sud de Charlotte, dans une propriété appartenant à une amie française d’Anny et de Jean-Pierre : Marie-Paule Stone. Une charmante petite maison au bord de l’eau et à l’arrière un grand terrain abrité par quelques arbres, où quelques grandes tables rondes juponnées et un buffet sans prétention
avaient été dressés. L’eau du lac était chaude ce qui favorisait la baignade, puisque trente personnes se sont trouvés à l’eau en même temps. Jean-Lucien., nommé capitaine en la circonstance d’un bateau à fond plat, nous a promené à tour de rôle sur ce lac magnifique dont les rives étaient bordées de splendides maisons. Christopher qui avait organisé la constitution d’une cagnotte afin d’acheter un cadeau pour fêter l’anniversaire ce jour-là de Donaldo, fit une courte intervention et lui remit le présent, en l’occurrence une magnifique chemise. Donaldo se souviendra de ses 81 ans. « Feliz cumpleanos, Donaldo « . Des centaines de photos de tous groupes ont été prises ce jour-là par les uns et les autres. Il y eut même une photo de nos trois barbus de cette réunion: Pierre, Tristan et Robert. Cette journée n’était vraiment pas comme les autres. Nous nous connaissions déjà tous bien, et la communication passait avec une chaleur sans précédente. Nous sentions pour la première fois la force des liens qui nous unissaient, nous tous issus des mêmes illustres ancêtres et dispersés à travers le monde. L’idée de nous séparer après ces quelques jours de liesse nous rendait tristes, mais nous nous promettions de garder le contact, de nous envoyer des photos, et surtout de nous revoir. Ces jours merveilleux sont à jamais ancrés dans nos mémoires. Mille mercis Jean-Pierre et Anny.
English From Christopher de Chazal
July 2001
The build up has been terrific.
Thank you Jean Pierre and your team for doing the entire organisation. I am thankful that I am not involved. Did Jean Pierre and his family realise how much organisation would be involved? They obviously know that Charlotte is an ideal venue and there will be no lack of activities.
This is my personal account. Will I offend anyone? Am I going to be indiscreet? Read on, I don’t know myself yet, we have seven days to go before we board that plane.
The use of the E-mail has been a revelation to me. Nothing works, everyone else has no clue! It’s true. I write to Jean Pierre in Charlotte and get a reply from Pierre Edmond in Australia, how did that happen? Can I arrange payment via the E-mail? No! It seems my system won’t cope. Fortunately my boy Toby is an expert and sorts me out. As soon as that is done Pierre Edmond also sorts me out, he has taken so much trouble I feel embarrassed by it.
Very cleverly I booked a hotel in New York and found that there are two Howard Johnson hotels in NY. Can I find out which one it is? It took two weeks and innumerable phone calls to find out. Once the electronic message goes the instantaneous reply gives a reference number but it is not confirmed in writing. A nagging doubt that it may not have worked cannot be dispelled, more phone calls but you might as well not bother all you get is robots and music.
We are going to meet Michael (an old school friend) and Gloria in New York. They are driving down from Toronto. We will spend a few days with them then move on to Washington for sightseeing and hire a car to go to Charlotte.
We are now Back from the de Chazal reunion and generally all has gone to plan.
The day before we left Thelma went to her ballet class. Would you believe it? She does a “Brise Vole” and falls awkwardly and tears a ligament!
Should we go? Can we get medical advice? In the end it is all too difficult and we decide to set off. Thelma suffers great pain with fortitude.
We get wheelchairs where possible. In Washington we eventually get to the hospital for an x-ray and our original diagnosis is confirmed. Thelma now has a leg-brace it is very awkward and the leg may take eight weeks to heal.
We take our car to Charlotte airport after a beautiful trip through Virginia. The shuttle will take us to our hotel. Who do we find in our shuttle? Ruth, Sonia, Sonia Bejarano and her son Andreas from Bolivia. Thelma gets a chance to practice her Spanish and is already concerned about being swamped by de Chazals.
Jean-Pierre has arranged a really good price on a suite in an excellent hotel. Our suite is really a flat with maid service! Huge living room, bedroom in which one can get lost—Thelma says she lost me and we were both in the bed! Bathroom with lots of towels: fully fitted kitchen.
On the second day I had to ring the desk, someone had stolen the coffee jug and filter. It was in the dishwasher that I had not noticed.
Thelma set about her hair and I set about the washing. On the basis that one sock always gets lost I put nine in and get nine out. American machines are obviously different from ours!
I needed washing powder, the machine was out of order so went to get some at the front desk. Returning in the lift I was, much to my astonishment, attacked in the lift by a lady in a lovely yellow suit. I was kissed on three cheeks with shouts of “de Chazal, de Chazal” All this was very exciting for a shy, retiring Englishman and I had to have a rest.
I had not been recognised as a film star—she was an Argentine cousin!
I did some shopping for breakfast and the family met in the courtyard near the swimming pool. This was a great chance to make, and renew ties that had possibly diminished in time. Many of us went for a meal locally.
The reunion really starts on Thursday. At 9am the white water rafters had long gone and we meet in the foyer. Thelma’s leg was still giving a lot of trouble. Don’t know what to take so take the lot; sweater, flags, kite, swimmers etc. none of which I use.
Bertrand drovs our minivan; it is a long drive, after a comfort stop we arrive in the Blue Ridge Mountains at Blowing Rock. Lunch in a restaurant and we all thought we were going for a picnic!
We motored on to Moses H. Cone Memorial Park a beautiful colonial house set on the hillside with superb views. With some difficulty I manage to get a group photo going with about 30 de Chazals. Is this a record? In Mauritius they did not do as well I am sure.
A splendid drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway to Linville Falls. At last a chance to stretch the legs; we are given time to walk the trail to have a view of the falls and gorge. It is quiet warm, clean, gentle and beautiful.
Return to Charlotte but it is already late and our fellow mini van runs out of petrol!

Benédicte de Chazal (USA), Sydney de Chazal (USA), Gemma Dudgeon (UK), Jose Masanes (Bolivia), Paul-Guillaume de Chazal (France), Nix Dudgeon ( UK)
We are due to have drinks at Jean Pierre and Anny’s house. We get to Charlotte at about 21.45 and cannot shower but go straight to the house. How I wish I had left everything behind and brought my glad rags with me!
Jean Pierre is not the old man I took him for. I imagined he had nothing to do but play at de Chazal reunions. In fact he is young and active and runs a business.
Jean Pierre and Anny have a really great home decorated with taste and style.
The cicadas sang, the barman poured, the white water rafters arrived, conversation flowed, delicious food consumed and too soon it came to an end. (Benedicte got to bed at 5.00am but don’t tell her mother!)
Friday 13th July
I have organised a run for 8.00 this morning, not surprised when no one turns up so I am on my own. I see something of the local architecture. Although we are quite some way from uptown Charlotte there are interesting buildings around. Where were you Thibaut, Augusto, Jose, Sydney et al.?

Eric Eynaud (Maurice), Jenny de Chazal (Argentine), Joséphine Tennant (Maurice), Richard Dold (UK), Donaldo de Chazal (Bolivie), Lucio de Chazal (Argentine)
Dinner in the Botanical gardens tonight so we have a free day
What an opportunity to shop. Despite Thelma’s leg we can easily get there.
A huge mall in which we spend too much time. Thelma buys me a cotton shirt for just over 10 dollars but finds nothing for herself. The Supermarket has some purely American items
To get to the Botanical gardens we pass Wylie Lake which has about 200 miles of shoreline and also Bushe Gardens fun fair which has a ride that has six inversions, three loops, a tunnel and max speed of 62 mph. regrettably we won’t have time for that.
The Botanical Gardens are superb with running water and mainly herbaceous plants but an exotic note is added by semi tropical plants.
Tonight I arrive reasonably early and have a great chance to see the books and photographs on display. Don’t buy Tristan’s Dictionary of the de Chazals until I have a chance of getting better photos of Toby and Oscar. It won’t take long then order it. It is an essential addition to every de Chazal library. It is a wonderful tome and worth every penny. Is your photo there? If not send it to him. Spend more and you can get his history of the de Chazal family. If you are prepared to translate it from the French you get a free copy!
The evening is warm, the building cool the large hall and surroundings give ample space to circulate and the smokers use the garden.
Lamb is the main dish
Disco and Salsa. What a great evening! Dance until 1.00am. I am still not sure what Salsa is but I did enjoy it. Thelma’s injury meant that the one thing she can enjoy was denied to her, which was a great shame.
The speeches were thankfully short but it was wonderful that all de Chazals of note were given specially inscribed de Chazal plates. If you want to order see the de Chazal web site. I know not if any are left or if you can now order them.
Saturday 14th July
The hotel advertises the fact that it has the best setting of any pool in Charlotte. I won’t argue with that and take full advantage. The de Chazals are all there.
Dinner at Charlotte Interstate Club tonight. This is in Uptown Charlotte, only 20 min away but it is all parkland and every house seems to have an acre of garden. The houses are of wood and painted in light colours that contrast with the green green grass. It really is a beautiful city but very widespread and a relatively small centre towards which we head.
We are privileged to be dining at the best venue in town at the top of a skyscraper with wonderful views at sunset. Does Jean Pierre belong to this club or is it that he has the right contacts?
Ceilings are at least 20feet high. Sporting prints abound. We are surprised to see the coat of arms of Richard Onslow in the hallway. His ancestral home is only a mile from where I sit now. Apparently he was in Charlotte and started this club with several other English Lords in the 1700’s
Beef with roasted vegetables, really good but by now I am beginning to miss my rice!
The Disco continued to 1.00am. Thelma again disappointed not to be able to dance although she gets on the floor once or twice.

Jean-Lucien de Chazal (USA), Monique de Chazal (USA), Edmond de Chazal (USA), Dolly Masanes (Bolivia), Gillian Dudgeon (UK), François de Grivel (Mauritius)
Our day at the house of the ex ambassador to Mauritius is no longer on the agenda. No doubt there is a good reason. We have a day by the lake instead.
Wylie Lake: We down a track and find a campment on the lakeshore surrounded by woodland. The house is right on the water edge. It is not long before
everyone is in swimmers and diving in the warm water from the pier.
Here comes the boat to take us on a little trip!
Thibaut has brought it overland. Jean Lucien takes charge and gives groups trips across the water. Some of the mansions are truly impressive. This is a very nice touch by Jean Pierre and appreciated by all.
By now we recognise the catering staff who keep us supplied, the iced tea just about lasts.

Claire de Chazal (USA), Gilly de Chazal (UK), Paul de Chazal (France), Paul Guillaume de Chazal (France), Guy de Chazal (USA), Françoise Mayer (UK), Anny de Chazal (USA), Edward de Chazal (UK)
Photos: The Men, The Europeans, The Bolivians, The Argentines .Was there one of the ladies?
I was asked to say a few words and had nothing prepared. If only I had realised that this was the end of our activities I would have had lots to say!
My Notes Impressions and Highlights
- Jean Pierre has a portrait of himself in his study it really is very good and ten times the size of my portrait in my home—I must do something about that!
- Madagascar is where Jean Pierre was brought up and he still has furniture and decorations from there
- I was delighted to see the family tree my mother had drawn up on his wall. Later it was on an easel at the botanical gardens for all to inspect. It was a marvellous effort to get all the de Chazals on one piece of paper and she would be pleased to have seen it used in this way. In 1980 there was much information lacking.
Anybody want a copy? I will be pleased to send you one.
- Benedicte has been accepted for a place in London University. Is this an achievement worthy of the de Chazal web site? We really hope to see her. I am so old I was at her christening.
- A good friend in Mauritius has a daughter I had never met and she is now 36yrs—not possible!
- Jean Pierre is bringing up his sons well. They chose some really splendid wines together.
- Rumour has it the Champagne was held up. Le Havre, Boston or the high seas? Wherever, there will be a party next week!
- Who was the Belle of the Ball? Dolly (Jnr) had her dresses made for her by her sister who is or will be a very talented designer. As a group the Bolivians were beautiful but there was, by common consent, only one Belle of the ball a dress, painted by Malcolm de Chazal superbly modelled by Anny, she deserved the
- Best dancer: Ruth gets my vote, I only wish I had her style and rhythm. Salsa, tango she knows them all
- Who is the wickedest of them all? By the smiles I suggest Nix and Gemma Dudgeon, I would not trust them not to throw me to the lions or into the pool! They are full of fun.
- I never got my hair cut. I tried to find a Chinese undertaker in New York and Washington and then time ran out
- Robert is a real live inventor (see the de Chazal web site) how refreshing after all those accountants and “professionals”
- Very surprised and flattered to see a T shirt I had painted some years ago had been copied and was being used
- Lucio has designed and printed very special “family” cards for this occasion. A very good idea for next time.
- An apology is due to Charlotte Rousseau (Baissac). The leaflet “Charlotte’s Attractions” has nothing to do with her!
- I was pleased to see specially inscribed de Chazal plates presented to Frank Mayer, a real de Chazal and Virginia Taylor really deserved her plate. She may just have the last book of hers for sale. That book was a labour of love and the first of the modern de Chazal books.
- I enjoyed the company of Lucio and Jenny from Argentina, great people and wonderful personalities.
- Sorry that Francois de Grivel did not wear his decoration. He was honoured by the Queen with the “Commander of the British Empire” and has the right to have “CBE” after his name. We are proud of him.
Did you know that the Mauritian Government has honoured Andre Robert Snr for his services to Mauritius? He is a “GOSK” Grand Officer of the Star and Key.
What other honours can the de Chazals lay claim to?
- Jenny had some fine outfits (Remember the yellow suit?)
- Lucio has been learning French. The Bolivians all say they will learn English. Thelma is going to improve her Spanish, Thank you all, I will carry on in my own way!
- The photograph panel was interesting; so many people missed some wonderful days. Edward’s father John was well represented with photographs of his days in India
- I missed so many that chose not to come or could not make it, Edgar, Marie-Christine, Jean Lucien’s other children, Eveline Eynaud, Denis, David Ardil and his sister Caroline, Anne Baissac and her daughters, Mercedes, Esteban and his new family, and many other absent cousins,
- Nelly Ardil was the only one who made any effort for Bastille Day. She dressed the part and looked good.
- Thelma found a dandelion in a grassy verge in Charlotte. We are keeping the exact location secret as I am thinking of emigrating. I will then charge people to come and see what a lawn might look like if no weed killer is used.
- I had the opportunity to show off my de Chazal cuff links made by Poncini in Mauritius (E-mail address supplied on request).
- My Dodo Club tie was recognised by a few
- I danced too close to a lady and lost my lights down her front
- After the speeches, pleased to think I have done my bit for the future of the de Chazals. It is now up to my two sons.
- Another reunion in Santa Cruz in 2003? We will certainly try to be there. Why not charter a plane and have a few days in Bolivia and a day or two in Argentina? All suggestions to your committee (not me!)
- For those interested in these things it cost Thelma and I £337 each for the air fare London/ New York and Charlotte to London (via Dallas and JFK)
- Keep in touch, come and stay with us if you can.
- Finally use your family web site, we want to know.
La rumeur sur la ville d’une “noble convention” s’est éteinte avec le départ de ses demiers participants vendredi matin. Les bras chargés de leurs achats, “las chicas de Guy” comme les appelait Lucio de Chazal, ont repris la route de leur Bolivie natale. Philip notre cousin australien, fut le demier à quitter Charlotte, après un détour par Charleston et Savannah.
Nous tenons à remercier tous les participants venus de différentes régions du monde, d’Australie, de Maurice, d’Afrique du Sud, d’Angleterre, de France, de Suisse, du Canada, des Etats-Unis, d’Argentine et de Bolivie. Nous sommes particulièrement reconnaissants à Virginia Taylor, Donaldo de Chazal, Frank Mayer, Lucio de Chazal d’avoir entrepris ce long et fatigant voyage, et aussi à Pierre de Chazal et ses deux enfants Jacqueline et Philip pour leur aide tout au long de cette réunion familiale.
” Les barrières sont désormais tombées, les frontières abattues, une ère nouvelle commence après presque un siècle d’isolement et de séparation pour certaines branches de la famille ” disait Tristan de Chazal à l’issue de cette réunion.
Nous vivons tous déjà à [‘idée de la prochaine réunion en Amérique du Sud. En prévision de cet événement, Thelma et Christopher se sont inscrits a l’université afin de parfaire leur espagnol. Les plus jeunes envisagent de se rencontrer en Ecosse l’année prochaine. Le Chazfest de Charlotte a rassemblé les énergies futures de Ia famille.
Anny, Jean-Pierre, Sydney, Thibault de Chazal
English version
Rumours have been flying round the town about a “Noble Convention”. These have finally died down on Friday morning with the departure of the last participants. Arms weighed down with shopping, ” las chicas de Guy ” as Lucio called them, again took to the road for their native Bolivia. Philip, our Australian cousin, was the last to leave the city, after a tour of Charleston and Savannah.
We are already very excited at the idea of the next meeting in South America. In preparation for this event, Thelma and Christopher have registered at their university in order to perfect their Spanish. The younger members of the family are planning to meet in Scotland next year. The Charlotte Chazfest had polarised the future energies of the family.
We would like to make the point of thanking all the participants for attending, in particular Virginia Taylor, Pauline Mayer, Donaldo de Chazal, Frank Mayer, Lucio de Chazal and to thank particulary to Pierre de Chazal and his children Philip and Jacqueline for all their help.
Anny, Jean-Pierre, Sydney, Thibault de Chazal
Click On Pictures to view larger size
- Virginia Taylor (RSA), Pascale et François Eynaud (Mauritius), Pauline Mayer (UK)
- Donaldo de Chazal (Bolivia), Lucio de Chazal (Argentia), Joséphine Tennant ( Mauritius), Eric Eynaud (Mauritius) Jenny de Chazal (Argentina) Richard Dold (UK)
- Dancing
- Dolly Masanes (Bolivia), ………….. ? ( Bolivia), Thibault de Chazal (USA), Pablo Lorenzeti
- Bolivian representation Ruth, Ives, Carmen, Maria Esther, Martha, Leda, Jacqueline
- Boat Ride on lake Wylie
- Mauritius representation : Hedwige et François de Grivel, Pascal et François Eynaud, Joséphine Tennant, Eric Eynaud
- Edmond de Chazal (USA), Dolly Masanes (Bolivia), Julien de Chazal (Australia)
- Virginia Taylor and Olivia Antelo. The oldest and the youngest person to attend the Chazfest 2001
- Swimming in Lake Wylie
- Frank Mayer (UK), Eric Eynaud ( Mauritius)
- Christopher de Chazal says « Feliz cumpleanos, Donaldo «
- Francia de chazal (Bolivia), Donaldo de Chazal (Bolivia), Dolly de Chazal (Bolivia), François de Grivel (Mauritius)
- Guido and Anna Maria de Chazal (Bolivia), Robertson and Robert de Chazal, (Canada) Mathilde Spall (UK), Pierre de Chazal (Australia), Linda de Chazal (Canada)
- Tristan de Chazal (France), Ana Maria de Chazal (Bolivia), Jean-Pierre Chazal (USA)
- At Charlotte City Club
- Claudine de Chazal (France), Jean-Pierre de Chazal (USA)
- François de Grivel (Mauritius), Anny de Chazal (USA)
- Philippe de Chazal (Australia), Isabelle de Chazal (France), Arielle Serre (USA), Nelly Ardill (Seychelles), Jose Maria (Argentina)
- At Charlotte City Club
- picnic at lake Wylie
Anny,Jean Pierre, Sydney, Thibault
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia
It was a 4 great days in Charlotte.
I have to really thank you all for the hassle, trouble, pain and whatever else that you put yourself through to organise such a great gathering. I am certain that without your enthusiasm, dedication and a will to achieve the goal of getting as many of the clan together from the far fetched parts of the world, nothing would have happened.
Now that the genie has been released, it is with great interest to notice that the cousins of Bolivia and Argentina are in a friendly feud about the next gathering. It shows how successful the Charlotte gathering was.
I can imagine the trouble of organising the catering, music and so much more for those days. The food was excellent as it caters well to the divers groups and everybody seemed to be very happy considering all those who went back for a second serve. The music was excellent considering that the dance floor was packed with a lot of people who usually never dance.(The music had to stop because of the restricting hours of the venues and not because of the guests or the choice of music). I understand that the caterers at the botanical garden have never seen a function like that with so much enthusiasm.
The trip to the mountains was loosely organised, which was really fantastic, as compared to the military american style. I am certain a lot of time and thinking would have gone into it. It gave a fair bit of opportunities for those there to get acquainted, certainly for those with a language barrier.
The picnic at the lake was certainly a big winner. We all got acquainted with each othe during the 1st 3 days and on that Sunday it was certainly a relaxed day where we all got to cement, to a certain extent, that relationship.
All I can say it could not have been a better organised gathering. I am certain those 4 days would have left “un tres grand souvenir parmi les participants” and It would certainly not have happen without a will and dedication to have it and to make it “un succès inoubliable”
Julien de Chazal
Wednesday, August 01, 2001
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