Who is Swedenborg?
The following was summarized from the chapter, Swedenborg: Man Beyond Measure, in Bruce Hendersons book, Window to Eternity, as a pamphlet for the Bryn Athyn Cathedral, where it is very popular with visitors. It is available for other Church societies and anyone else interested. Ralph Waldo Emerson called Emanuel Swedenborg “a colossal soul [...]
Edmond de Chazal
Pierre Baissac a découvert dans les archives Swedenborgienne (Nouvelle Eglise) cette photo inédite accompagnée d'un texte explicatif.
Tomi Mayer
Tomi Mayer (1917) < Ralph Mayer (1886) < Berthe de Chazal (1856) < Edmond de Chazal (1809) < Toussaint de Chazal (1770) < Régis de Chazal (1735) < Noble Aimé de Chazal (1706) < Jean-Baptiste ( 16..) < Jean II Chazal (16..) < Jean I (16..) Swedenborg Dear Josephine, I promised I would tell you [...]
By Pierre Baissac
Joseph Antoine Edmond de Chazal A Man of the New Church By Pierre de B. Baissac A presentation given on the occasion of the Chazfest Durban, South Africa April 2012 Dear friends I will talk to you today about a most extraordinary person, one of those truly great men who has handed down an immense [...]