International de Chazal Day 2016 in the UK
A message from the UK de Chazal and Mayer Families on this important occasion
The de Chazal Family in the UK have gathered together 35 people for a de Chazal Day luncheon on International de Chazal Day 12th March 2016.
This year in honour of the fact that the brand new genealogy of the Mayer Family has been produced by our friend Patrick Harel in Mauritius we are celebrating with the Mayer family.

Chris Little, James, Helen, Toby (at rear), Christopher with flag, Sara and Martha, Angelique hiding behind Edward, Mike Dudgeon with Caro at rear. The seven on the right are Oscar, Julian, Russell, Robin, Vanessa, Nicky and John Mayer. Thelma in front of the flag, Melanie holding Anya, Karin, Fred, Mike Fanya, Isabel and Clara Front row: Gilly, Imogen, Marilyn, Hugo, George and Thomas. Thanks to John Wilkinson for taking the photo.
If we have your Email you will recognise this message and be wondering how we managed to get 35 attendees and how was our Luncheon.
It was a combination of hard work, co-operation and enthusiasm from the de Chazal/Mayer Families that made this occasion a great success.
More information available by clicking here